Monday, July 4, 2011

July 4th!

So today I got a lot done. I went to exchange money, got stamps, put more money on my phone card, checked on the camera card converter, and got a dictionary. I feel pretty good about myself.  I think my Spanish is getting better, and I love that I am able to apply what I have learned to real life. I am going to actually write some postcards and send them out, this is my first time at a foreign country sending out postcards to home in the U.S.
Afterwards, I went to talk to my newfound friend at the clothing store, who also happens to be Chinese.  We talked for hours about life, and we told each other about our love lives hahaha funny, it was a really nice conversation. She is so nice and fun to talk to. I loved hearing about her story.  Turns out her family is also from Vietnam, same as my parents and family.
I was sick all last week. I went to the hospital emergency room because that was the only way that I could see a doctor. I was experiencing bad allergies and asthma. Luckily, my professor, one of the directors of the trip went with me and translated for me. Bless her heart, she is so nice. We bonded and got to know each other better over the course of the five hour wait. I got medication and I feel much better now. I am not coughing as much and my cough and breathing has gotten much better. Maybe because I could not breathe that well, there was not enough oxygen in my brain to have it work well enough, because I feel so much more alert today now that I can breathe better lol.
Until next post!
Happy July 4th those in the U.S.A.!

Spain Update!

Hello! So I wanted to talk about my Spanish class. They are so awesome. I have two classes: one for Spanish grammar and one for Spanish conversation. Both the profesoras are really nice. They are open for  questions and really eager to teach us Spanish. I am really glad that I am getting a good review of the Spanish language. I am definitely going to make the most of the Spanish lessons here and learn to speak it as best I can.  My university is called the Pontificia Universidad de Salamanca.  We have funny conversations in our conversation class and have a good time. My classmates Dario, Tanya, and David are really nice and also really passionate and eager to learn Spanish.
The home cooked meals I have are really good.  I have dinner at about 9:30pm or 10pm because the sun does not set until around that time, pretty crazy huh!
Alright, I'm going to update more later!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Second Day!!! =D

Today was the first day at the school. We met at the Pontifica Universidad de Salamanca, which is a private university in Salamanca. I then took a Spanish placement test. I didn't think I did so well, but it's good to get the right placement. 
Afterwards, I finally got my phone card to call my dad! 
Then I tried to walk back to my host family but got lost. 
But on the way, I met this really nice Chinese lady who own a boutique clothing and jewelry store. She was really nice. I spoke mandarin with her. Didn't know I could meet Chinese people in Salamanca, Spain! 
She helped me with directions too. 
I had a nice lunch with pasta, the dish was called Macarrona. 
Then we had to meet under the clock at 3:30pm to take a guided tour of Salamanca. That was really cool to sight-see. We saw a beautiful cathedral, with tints of gothic style. I had never been in a cathedral before so that was a really cool experience. 
After the tour, I walked around and did some shopping, looking at shoes of course hahaha. 
I also tried to look for a dictionary. I asked where I coudl find one, and then I went to the bookstore. After I got out, I got lost and didn't know where I was. I walked around thinking I could find my way back to mi casa (my home), but after an hour of wandering around, I asked someone and realized I was waaay far off from where I live. I finally made my way back home. 
For dinner, we had these really delicious fried fish balls.
At night, my roommate and I went to the Plaza Mayor and sat in the middle and chilled there. It is so beautiful and romantic at night. I meditated there for a few minutes. 
I prepare for my first day of Spanish class tomorrow! We'll see which level I get placed!
Yours Truly, 

Sunday, June 26, 2011

First Day in Spain!!!

So after a loong airplane ride, and a two hour bus ride from the Madrid Airport to Salamanca, I finally made it to SPAIN!
My host family, the woman named Lourdes with her boyfriend Manuel came to pick me up after the bus dropped us all off. They are soo nice. The home is beautiful. It had such a homey feel to it.
The buildings in Spain are soooo amazing. Salamanca has Pre-Roman times buildings, so it is super gorgeous.
I felt so free when I was riding in the car just enjoying passing by the beautiful buildings.
Then Lourdes cooked us all a wonderful and delicious dinner. We had organically home fried French Fries, a nice simple salad with tomatoes, red pepper, onion, lettuce and oil. She also fried chicken fillet pieces for us. We then had watermelon for dessert. What an amazing first dinner!!!
I didn't bring the Sandisk card converter to upload photos, but I hope to figure that out soon and will upload photos when I do!
Tomorrow I start class! We have an orientation at 8:30am! So excited!!
Well gotta sleep now! Good night from Spain!

Friday, May 6, 2011

May 5 baby! (miscellaneous post prior to Spain) I had a great day.
I gave a speech at Southern California Edison for the APIASF scholarship fund.
I networked and met some really cool people who were going to help me with my network.
I will never forget what one of the gentlemen said, "You will do great things." I believe him and that inspires me. He said he could tell I was going to make in media. I am so touched.  It feels great to have people believe in me.
I also got a call from KCET in the morning to follow up in August.
at night I went to Battle Royale!!! at Key Club on Sunset Blvd, Hollwood
The performances were pretty awesome!
I met the choreographer of Samahang. and got a Midori Sour haha
I also met a performer from NSU Modern and DSC, he was pretty cool.  we have similar interests and plans to hit the bars and clubs.  My sis and I waited in his car while waiting for our ride because we were so cold! haha then I borrowed one of his Battle Royale t-shirts hehe
Dancing was soooo fun! I looove dancing!!! I danced my heart out tonight! The music was pretty bomb, hip hop with a lot of bass, my favorite haha
Okay until next post!